Feb 4Liked by Mystic William

It's pretty remarkable that we think our "medical system" is one of healing, when it is really one of ignorance.

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"They should be honest".

That's OK William. I figured out that doctors have little to no idea what they're doing 40 or so years ago. All by myself. Pre-internet.

That primal instinct saved my life as well as the life of my unborn only begotten child.

While I may not ever have won "Mother of the Year": my primal instincts allowed him to be born, albeit under extreme conditions.

The surgeon who operated on me that fateful night returned to my hospital room after he could not sleep. To apologize for what had occurred.

In over 20 years of delivering babies via c-section, he said that what happened to me was a first and he didn't know "what went wrong"...

Admission #1.

My mother's family doctor apologized to me, and to her obviously, after I discovered that her medication had been changed (dosage upped) in my absence.

Admission #2.

He also admitted that there was "no need" for her to be cajoled into, or cajoling HIM into, another dose of the ☠. (The 3 she has been administered: NOT my doing. Very secretive... They knew I'd balk.)

I do not go to doctors. (Other than that unexpected "emergency" which occured nearly 27 years ago.)

I spent 2 weeks in L.A. recently, unable to walk without assistance from a disability device.

Began taking a ton of vitamins. Including MSM. (Not MMS)

Ordered a very pure DMSO from Belle in Montana but by the time it arrived I was walking unaided again.

Meanwhile it was highly recommended to me that I "come home" and "see a doctor" after I leaked the news of my perplexing new disability to my son who leaked it to my sister.

"Naw. I'll be fine."

And I am.

The mind is a powerful tool... 😉

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Homeopathic medicine (specifically MUCUS CLEAR) works, too. Statins kill.

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My first three years matriculated in college had me in nutrition, exercise physiology, epidemiology, anatomy, physiology, & wellness coursework. I was fortunate; I was always drawn to a whole-person centered approach: mind, body & spirit. We cannot truly be healthy, without this recognition, can we? We are more than our bodies. We are more than our minds.

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Was David Noakes refused a licence, then taken to court by those who refused to give him a licence, then jailed for selling an unlicenced medication called GcMAF, which amazingly has no side effects and the results show it can cure cancers ? https://www.wddty.com/news/gcmaf-manufacturer-jailed-but-the-therapy-isnt-on-trial-says-judge/

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