I only pulled out of a three year funk with epstein-Barre, probsbly simple exhaustion, with japanese knotweed and a bunch of other herbs and mushrooms, which I still take, no pharma, no relapses, no flu, no colds, no covid, everything perfect. Plus I buy them in bulk from India or China, which makes them, I think safer. Told I was losing my eyesight, but two aryuveda docs in India invented an eyedrop, cheap, which stalled it.

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I agree- how can doctors diagnose and prescribe- when we understand so little https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes


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Crestor nearly destroyed my liver. On the other hand, Ayurvedic medicine, a pill made from quail eggs, and a tincture of homeopathic medicine have helped eliminate the symptom of my lifelong allergies more than injections or allopathic medicine ever could. In lieu of narcotics, I have found that a tincture of hemp oil helps with the pain I've suffered from a car accident 20 years ago.

Thanks for sharing, Mystic William.

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Ayurveda took me from constant and debilitating pain for seven or eight years to being pain free in about six months.

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I am leery of people who use Substack.com for advertising products, but (whisper) what do you take? Sitopaladi Churna (taken with a healthy dose of local honey) has helped with my airborne allergies; but I've never found anything besides hemp oil or narcotics that has helped with pain.

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If you’re in a lot of pain go to India. I can refer you to a few places. You have to go for daily treatment though for four to six weeks. It’s cheap. For what you get. But it’s a big ordeal.

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Mahanarayan oil. Rubbed on, not taken internally. An Ayurvedic product. But I had three discs non surgically repaired in India at an Ayurvedic clinic. Excruciating pain for years. If I had any sort of serious illness I would head to India asap.

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If you’re in a lot of pain the Maha oil should help. But it likely would take more than just that.

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Mahanarayan oil is sold in North America. Dabur brand sells it. That isn’t too quality though. It should be brown, maybe with a hint of red, and smell sort of nutty.

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...isn’t top quality...

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